Display - LCD1602
https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005006100081942.html https://github.com/blackhack/LCD_I2C
#include <LCD_I2C.h>
LCD_I2C lcd(0x27, 16, 2); // Default address of most PCF8574 modules, change according
void setup()
lcd.begin(); // If you are using more I2C devices using the Wire library use lcd.begin(false)
// this stop the library(LCD_I2C) from calling Wire.begin()
// Note: On ESP32 you would rather use:
// lcd.begin(4,5);
// which maps 'Wire' sda to pin 4 and scl to pin 5 in this example.
void loop()
lcd.print(" Hello"); // You can make spaces using well... spaces
lcd.setCursor(5, 1); // Or setting the cursor in the desired position.