Varroa destructor detection on honey bees using hyperspectral imagery | - 🇨🇿 Brno University of Technology
- 🇫🇮 LUT University
| 2024 |
⭐️ Autonomous tracking of honey bee behaviors over long-term periods with cooperating robots | - 🇨🇿 Czech Technical University
- 🇦🇹 University of Graz
- 🇬🇧 Durham University
- 🇹🇷 Middle East Technical University
| 2024 |
Honey bulk DNA metagenomic analysis to identify honey biological | - 🇪🇪 Celvia CC AS
- 🇪🇪 University of Tartu
- 🇸🇪 Karolinska University Hospital
| 2024 |
Accuracy vs. Energy: An Assessment of Bee Object Inference inVideos from On-Hive Video Loggers with YOLOv3,YOLOv4-Tiny, and YOLOv7-Tiny | | 2023 |
Approximation of functions determining colony activity using neural networks. Master thesis | - 🇨🇿 Brno University of Technology
| 2023 |
BeeNet: An End-To-End Deep Network For Bee Surveillance | - 🇦🇺 Australian National University
- 🇧🇩 BRAC University
- 🇦🇺 Curtin University
- 🇦🇺 Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
| 2023 |
Ambient Electromagnetic Radiation as a Predictor of Honey Bee (Apis mellifera) Traffic in Linear and Non-Linear Regression: Numerical Stability, Physical Time and Energy Efficiency | | 2023 |
Honey bees modify plantpollinator network structure | | 2023 |
Identifying Queenlessness in Honeybee Hives from Audio Signals Using Machine Learning | | 2023 |
Labeled dataset for bee detection and direction estimation on entrance to beehive | - 🇱🇹 Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
| 2023 |
Machine Learning and Computer Vision Techniques in Continuous Beehive Monitoring Applications: A Survey | - 🇨🇿 Brno University of Technology
| 2023 |
Raspberry Pi Bee Health Monitoring Device | - 🇨🇿 Brno University of Technology
| 2023 |
Varroa Destructor Classification Using Legendre Fourier Moments with Different Color Spaces | - 🇲🇽 Universidad Politécnica de Tulancingo
| 2023 |
Defined exposure of honey bee colonies to simulated radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF): Negative effects on the homing ability, butn ot on brood development or longevity | - 🇩🇪 University of Hohenheim
- 🇩🇪 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
| 2023 |
Evaluation of the honey bee colonies weight gain during theintensive foraging period | - 🇱🇻 Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies
| 2022 |
Honeybee Re-identification in Video: New Datasets and Impact of Self-supervision | - 🇵🇷 University of Puerto Rico
| 2022 |
Integration of Scales and Cameras in Nondisruptive ElectronicBeehive Monitoring: On the Within-Day Relationship of HiveWeight and Traffic in Honeybee (Apis mellifera) Colonies in Langstroth Hives in Tucson, Arizona, USA | | 2022 |
⭐️ Automated Video Monitoring of Unmarked and Marked Honey Bees at the Hive Entrance | - 🇵🇷 University of Puerto Rico
| 2022 |
Audio, Image, Video, and Weather Datasets for Continuous Electronic Beehive Monitoring | | 2021 |
BeePIV: A Method to Measure Apis Mellifera Traffic with Particle Image Velocimetry in Videos | | 2021 |
Honeybee In-Out Monitoring System by Object Recognition and Tracking from Real-Time Webcams | - 🇰🇷 Incheon National University
| 2021 |
Markerless tracking of an entire honey bee colony | - 🇯🇵 Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University
| 2021 |
Toward an intelligent and efficient beehive: A survey of precision beekeeping systems and services | - 🇫🇷 aivancity School for Technology
- 🇫🇷 Université de Lyon
| 2021 |
Visual Diagnosis of the Varroa Destructor Parasitic Mite inHoneybees Using Object Detector Techniques | - 🇨🇿 Brno University of Technology
| 2021 |
The prediction of swarming in honeybee colonies using vibrational spectra | - 🇬🇧 Nottingham Trent University
- 🇫🇷 l’Institut National de Recherche en Agriculture
- 🇧🇪 Centre Apicole de Recherche et d’Information
| 2020 |
⭐️ Automatic detection and classification of honey bee comb cells using deeplearning | - 🇵🇹 Instituto Politécnico de Bragança
- 🇧🇷 Federal Technological University of Paraná
- 🇫🇷 Université Clermont-Auvergne
| 2020 |
⭐️ DeepBees – Building and Scaling Convolutional Neuronal Nets For Fast and Large-scale Visual Monitoring of Bee Hives | - 🇩🇪 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
| 2019 |
LabelBee: a web platform for large-scale semi-automated analysis of honeybee behavior from video | - 🇵🇷 University of Puerto Rico
| 2019 |
A Preliminary Study of Image Analysis forParasite Detection on Honey Bees | - 🇦🇹 Vienna University of Technology
- 🇪🇸 Universidad de Oviedo
- 🇪🇸 Universitat de Barcelona
| 2018 |
Honeybees on the move - Pollination services and honey production | - | 2018 |
Recognition of Pollen-bearing Bees from Video using Convolutional Neural Network | - 🇵🇷 University of Puerto Rico
| 2018 |
The development of honey bee coloniesassessed using a new semi-automated broodcounting method: CombCount | - 🇦🇺 Macquarie University
- 🇦🇺 Queensland University of Technology
- 🇺🇸 Carl Hayden Bee Research Center
| 2018 |
⭐️ Towards dense object tracking in a 2D honeybee hive | - 🇯🇵 Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University
| 2018 |
Biodiversity conservation and current threats to European honeybees | - 🇪🇸 Universidad de Murcia
- 🇩🇪 Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
| 2009 |
Reception and learning of electric fields in bees | - 🇩🇪 Freie Universität Berlin
| 2013 |
Multiple Animals Tracking in VideoUsing Part Affinity Fields | - 🇵🇷 University of Puerto Rico
| - |
On Image Classification in Video Analysis of Omnidirectional Apis Mellifera Traffic: Random Reinforced Forests vs. Shallow Convolutional Networks | | - |
AgriSound | - | - |
AgriPulse | - | - |
ApiManager | - | - |
ApiaryBook | - | - |
BeeHiveMonitoring | - | - |
ApiZoom | - | - |
BeeLab | - | - |
3bee | - | - |
BeeHero | - | - |
BeeLogger | - | - |
BeeSage | - | - |
BeeOrganizer | - | - |
BeePlus Beekeeping | - | - |
Beep | - | - |
BeehiveMonitoringUSA | - | - |
Broodminder | - | - |
Beetight 2 | - | - |
Competition | - | - |
BeePot | - | - |
BuzzBox | - | - |
Gobuzzr | - | - |
HiveBloom | - | - |
HiveMind | - | - |
HivePulse | - | - |
DanNduati IoT-beehive-monitoring-system | - | - |
Hackuarium beemos | - | - |
InspectNext | - | - |
HoneyInstruments | - | - |
IntelligentHives | - | - |
OSBeehives | - | - |
Mjrovai Bee-Counting | - | - |
Prohiver | - | - |
Solutionbee | - | - |
beescanning | - | - |
BeeZee | - | - |
hivetracks | - | - |
i-bee | - | - |
io-bee | - | - |
vitzaoral beehive_weight | - | - |
🇦🇺 Beemate | - | - |
🇦🇺 Purple Hive | - | - |
beeing | - | - |
🇪🇺 RoboRoyale | - | - |
🇩🇪 ApicAI | - | - |
🇺🇸 Best Bees | - | - |
🇨🇦 Nectar | - | - |
🇮🇱 Beewise | - | - |
BeeAlarmed. Masters thesis | - 🇩🇪 South Westphalia University of Applied Sciences
| - |