Lean Canvas for investors

1. Problem

🌨️Problems we are solving

Existing alternatives

2. Solution

Software to interface with the hive

Hardware to monitor, operate on frames, keep humidity and temperature ideal

💡Ideas and Features

🧿Robotic Beehive

3. Key Metrics

🎯KPIs and Business metrics

4.  Unique Value Proposition 🎁

Autonomous robotic beehive.
Capable of monitoring, self-inspecting, tracking colony development over time, reporting it to app on the phone while being in remote location, defending colony from hornets and mites.

Spend your time efficiently on high-level analysis, keep bees healthy and dear to you.

5. Unfair Advantage

Opensource - more trust, fast development

Founder (https://www.linkedin.com/in/kurapov/):

6. Marketing Channels

💬Marketing Channels

7. Customer Segment

🥸Customer personas

8. Cost structure

Fixed costs:

Variable costs:

💶Financial model


🫀Culture and values

9. Revenue streams

💰Pricing model