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🪬 Robotic Apiary

As a more cost-effective solution for large apiaries, we want to reuse Robotic Beehive functionality and equip it with ability to move around the apiary to inspect hives on-demand or on-schedule.

status: TRL 1

Problem focus

Out of all beekeeping issues, this product is helping with these:

Target audience

Challenges / Requirements

  • inspect multiple (~10) hives, same functionality as robotic_beehive
  • cost-effective - use one moveable module
  • mobile trailer form - should be possible to move entire apiary with a car. The goal is to transport hives back to the base for winter time, but not rely on a huge container.


We’ll use an improvement over Robotic Beehive but have it movable between hives. Design is not set yet and its up for the team to decide on the architecture

Apiary - beehives traditionally are positioned in a line Source -



Move on railsMove on wheels
Pros- simple and predictable movement- hive positions can be random
Cons- limited reach
- hives need to be in line
- costs more with larger apiaries
- need to stabilize the X-Y angles to have horizontal plane even


Pros- simple installation, maintenance, setup
- good weather protection
- can scale in amount of hives and in their height
- cost effective
- healthy
Cons- colonies can infect each other
- higher cost
- loss of existing inventory
- more complex integration, maintenance

Moveable with a car

Example of what beekeepers currently build themselves:

source -