π₯ Meeting recordings
Following Radiate truth πvalue, we are transparent in internal communications, which is important in modern asynchroneous world. Thats why we record important meetings.
Topics for QA meeting (10 july 2024)β
- Project overview
- Goal & Problems we are solving
- Ideas and Features
- Main flow
- Page views
- Where to report bugs - github web-app
- Test types
- Manual
- Automated
- unit
- integration
- api
- browser - playwright
Topics for next meetingβ
- new joiners - [Alberto Ginel Salvador](https://www.notion.so/Alberto-Ginel-Salvador-ce2b3beacefa4fbcab05d34d1077e9bc?pvs=21), [Jassem Manita](https://www.notion.so/Jassem-Manita-990a318d1a214965ab383eabd8655f36?pvs=21), [Hatem Soliman](https://www.notion.so/Hatem-Soliman-cfeb7dea0a4841e796810511a6d12a11?pvs=21)
- Status of UX
- Camera placement problem in Robotic Beehive to take photos
- Requirements
- needs to be from ready-made off-the-shelf components
- needs to be minimal (as less motors and moving details as possible)
- needs to support 200g camera at 400mm distance
- needs to not block frame extraction
- cameras have fixed focal distance, so they need to be in the center of the frame
- Solution 1 - use fixed cameras + have good grip on the frame
- Solution 2 - butterfly mechanism but no obvious components on the market are found yet
- Solution 3 - some sort of extra linear actuators to move camera in
- Requirements
- Marketing promo video for Inspection management feature
v7 - 14 jun 2024β
- ML - ants, bees, hornets
- UX - menu, app impression, components
v5 - 3 jun 2024β
- sync of Features / vision
- cooperation with Brno team
- https://github.com/boortel/Bee-Health-Monitor
- raspberry pi
v1 - 22 may 2024β
- Introductions
- History / why
- Vision / what
- Org-wise too
- Features/ tasks
- Engineering architecture / GraphQL