š Market analysis
As we are Estonia-based, may be useful to track this data too to be able to extrapolate it on the world
- Estonia alone has over ~6400 apiaries (these are registered only)
- 51000 bee colonies
- 5100 beekeepers
- 1.3M population
- thus 0.4 % of population, or ~ every 250th person is a beekeeper
- So almost any grown-up has someone related to beekeeping.
Amount of bee colonies over the yearsā
( source - https://sekkumine.mesinduskogu.ee/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Eesti-mesindussektori-struktuur-2021.pdf )
Amount of beekeepers over the yearsā
Beekeepers count depending on colony countā
Source - https://www.facebook.com/groups/108065015894483/posts/7747932681907640/
Age distributionā
Below - age distribution of estonian beekeepers depending on amount of owned bee colonies, that answered a poll. The older you are, the less likely you are to won lots of colonies.
Legal entityā
The more you bee colonies you own, the more likely you to use a company (green) or private enterpreneur (blue) legal entity
Geographic distributionā
Honey production and costā
We see that on average per colony, we have ~23kg per year
( source - https://sekkumine.mesinduskogu.ee/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Eesti-mesindussektori-struktuur-2021.pdf )
(source - https://sekkumine.mesinduskogu.ee/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Eesti-mesindussektori-struktuur-2021.pdf )
Europe and the world marketsā
- The total number of beekeepers in Europe was estimated at 620 000 (source)
- 94 Million hives in 2020 - statista
- 101 M colonies in 2021 - FAO (source)
Number of beesā
Amount of beekeepers in EU countriesā
(source - https://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/ATAG/2017/608786/EPRS_ATA%282017%29608786_EN.pdf )
Amount of beehives in EU countriesā
Source - https://agriculture.ec.europa.eu/system/files/2022-04/market-presentation-honey_en_0.pdf
Worldwide honey exports & importsā
Bee statisticsā
Colony loss. BeeInformed https://beeinformed.org/2022/07/27/united-states-honey-bee-colony-losses-2021-2022-preliminary-results-from-the-bee-informed-partnership/
Bee racesā
Which races are owned by beekeepers in Estonia
Source - https://sekkumine.mesinduskogu.ee/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Eesti-mesindussektori-struktuur-2021.pdf