
Software Engineering Theory Matrix

Lets dive deep into different subjects to understand how wide is your knowledge & memory.. And lets keep it short with 2 minutes per question so we can cover it all. Its ok to skip if you don't know

Questions per level

AreaPhase 1 (junior, mid)Phase 2 (mid, senior)Phase 3 (senior+)Property
Teamwork, Communication,Business processes,FeedbackOwnership and Drive• Did you have any conflicts at work in the past?
over technology, misunderstanding of context, PR reviews, different views on arch solution?
How did you resolve them?
What work processes are you used to?
What code style do you use?
What is the difference between waterfall, scrum and kanban?
What are the benefits and the drawbacks of working in an Agile environment?
How does perfect PR look like?
• How requirements and documentation can be expressed and held up-to-date?
Tests, readme, api docs, DB diagrams, state
Tell us an incident that you caused
What is the perfect task description for you? Who should write it?
Acceptance criteria / steps to reproduce
As company and team grows from 1+ developer to 200+, how should teams grow?
Should engineers have narrow specialisation?
Should engineers have access to live DB?
Should services have internal credentials?
At what you should pay attention with PR reviews?
bugs, size, complexity, improvements
• What should happen if service goes down in the middle of the night?
on-call & alerts
How do you make sure that critical bugs in production at night don't keep growing within organization?
incident management. lessons learned. CI.
What non-functional requirements can you list?
Security, Scalability, Consistency, Fault tolerance
You need to partially migrate data to another datacenter, but its owned by 5+ teams. How do you do that?
Any opensource contributions / maintenance experience?
Basic algorithms
Code structures
• Whats a pure function?
static methods?
What are the benefits of MVC?
separating frequently changed code, one-way data flow
How does CPU work in general?
What is space and time complexity?
Take your homework or recursive binary tree reversal as example
When is dependency injection needed?
• What do you think about ORMs?
â—¦ active record & repository patterns?
• What is
middleware, when is it used?
• How would you write a rough
validation of IP and Email inputs without using libraries or frameworks?
• What patterns do you know?
â—¦ factory, builder, singleton, decorator, proxy, adaptor, iterator, visitor, observer..
- Whats the difference between stack and heap? Where are global variables stored?
- What is the difference between Error and Exception
• Whats finite-state machine?
Whats abstract syntax tree?
Lets take php, nodejs and go. How are they handling requests in terms of concurrency?
php-fpm - pool of workers;nodejs - emulation of concurrency with event loop;go - goroutines, full CPU utilization
Lets compare php and C. Both have structures called arrays. How are they different?
How do most languages store float vars?
Is javascript number type the same as go lang's integer?
Why is 0.2 + 0.1 not equal to 0.3?
PHP: what is opcode cache, how does it work?
• What popular attacks on web apps do you know and how to defend against them?
xss, sql injection, csrf
How would you implement user's authentication? How would you store and protect his credentials?
How does hashing work?
whats a hash collision?
• What are public/private keys and why do we need them?
How can developers access production DBs if they have performance problems?
Whats an OSI model?
whats CORS?
whats the difference between HTTP & UDP
how does TCP work?
how does CDN work?
• you have 30 services. Each service has dependencies (npm, composer, go modules, docker etc.). How do you manage security updates?
You have password field that is md5 hashed. You need it to be sha1. How do you do that?
extra column or schema versioning while migrating
Whats are the benefits of OAuth? How does it work?
API• If HTTP is stateless, how do websites usually handle user being logged-in?
Cookies on client-side + sessions on backend
How do websites usually store session?
In filesystem / db
Whats XML? How is it different from JSON?
• Given a choice of REST API and GraphQL, which one would you choose for a long-term project?
Given a choice of decentralized APIs and centralized event bus, which one would you choose & why?
How do you version REST APIs?
How do you restart a service if its serving HTTP requests?
• What format do you use for documenting API?
swagger, graphql, json-schema
How do graphql subscriptions work?
Ever heard of SOA(P)? How is it different from REST & GraphQL?
Whats XSLT, XSD, Xpath? How is it superior or inferior to JSON?
Data processing
• What is an index? When it is required and when to avoid?
How do you design DB schema?
Whats data normalization?
What are foreign keys for? Whats referrential integrity?
What is sharding?
Whats types of database engines do you know?
How do you change database structure in production?
Can we run every API call in a huge transaction?
• How / why can deadlocks appear?
Whats the difference between LEFT JOIN, INNER JOIN and OUTER JOIN?
What are views for?
When one should use or not use triggers?
What is map-reduce? What is it needed for? What engines allow it?
Whats does HAVING do in SQL?
What do you know about encodings and collations?
• What do you look for in the EXPLAIN plans of your queries?
Whats the difference between Lock wait timeout and Deadlock found?
Whats a query hint?
How does UNICODE work?
What limitations of mysql do you know about?
What are isolation levels for?
How does binary tree search work?
System design
Message Queues
• You need to scale horizontally. How do you route requests to different processes?
How do you discover services?
You need to process files after they are uploaded. How do you do that?
How does perfect log entry look like?
We have the same service deployed to EU and US. It must display same data which is updated 10 times a day at most. Where/how to store data?
• How can we prevent DoS?
limit concurrent HTTP connections
How can we prevent backend abuse? 
limit DB connections, max payload size
How to handle 100, 1000 etc concurrent requests? What to keep in mind or how to achieve it?
Whats pub-sub?

• App uses DB + MQ. How to make sure data is not lost?
How can you sync data in different tabs or browsers for the same user without page refresh?
How can you check for user data in the exchange?
What is KTable?
Whats Kafka streams? redis streams?
Code quality
• How would you test an elevator?
What types of tests do you know? Which did you write?
How would you prepare user accounts in DB for integration tests?
How can you automatically measure how good your code is?
LOC, cyclomatic complexity, number of defects
What code coverage is acceptable?
How would you test that on deal creation API endpoint for authenticated user, a webhook call is made?
• How can you find slowest part of the app?
How do you find bug cause if multiple services in production are involved?
How do you debug a running service?
What is spy, stub, mock?
Where is typescript useful?
give an example for service level objective
• Whats the difference between average, median, p95, percentile?
• How does
distributed tracing work?
• How does
debugger work?
• What should you look at while
performance-profiling a process?
• What
metrics should you monitor?
â—¦ health, errors, resource consumption, requests, product metrics
- prometheus data types
Build & Deploy• Whats the difference between git and svn?
decentralized / centralized
How do you safely deploy your changes into production with 0 downtime?
FTP? git commit? deployment pipeline?
What is docker?
Why would you need a build tool?
grunt, npm run, ant, make
• You have a name that needs to be split to first and last name. How do you roll it out without any downtime?
What is kubernetes? How does it work? Why big companies adopt it?
What is git rebase for?
rewriting history
• How to roll out multiple services with shared DB/schema with 100% availability?
in multiple deployments & DB migration files