AreaCode quality
Phase 1 (junior, mid)• How would you test an elevator?

What types of tests do you know? Which did you write?

How would you prepare user accounts in DB for integration tests?

How can you automatically measure how good your code is?

LOC, cyclomatic complexity, number of defects

What code coverage is acceptable?

How would you test that on deal creation API endpoint for authenticated user, a webhook call is made?
Phase 2 (mid, senior)• How can you find slowest part of the app?

How do you find bug cause if multiple services in production are involved?

How do you debug a running service?

What is spy, stub, mock?

Where is typescript useful?

give an example for service level objective
Phase 3 (senior+)• Whats the difference between average, median, p95, percentile?
• How does
distributed tracing work?
• How does
debugger work?
• What should you look at while
performance-profiling a process?
• What
metrics should you monitor?
◦ health, errors, resource consumption, requests, product metrics
- prometheus data types