AreaSystem design
Message Queues
Phase 1 (junior, mid)• You need to scale horizontally. How do you route requests to different processes?

How do you discover services?

You need to process files after they are uploaded. How do you do that?

How does perfect log entry look like?

We have the same service deployed to EU and US. It must display same data which is updated 10 times a day at most. Where/how to store data?
Phase 2 (mid, senior)How can we prevent DoS?

limit concurrent HTTP connections

How can we prevent backend abuse? 

limit DB connections, max payload size

How to handle 100, 1000 etc concurrent requests? What to keep in mind or how to achieve it?

Whats pub-sub?

Phase 3 (senior+)App uses DB + MQ. How to make sure data is not lost?

How can you sync data in different tabs or browsers for the same user without page refresh?

How can you check for user data in the exchange?

What is KTable?

Whats Kafka streams? redis streams?