

Hire someone smarter than you
Don’t hire assholes

Show up on time because being late throws off the candidate’s confidence, shortens the subsequent interviews, and shows a general lack of respect.

Intro (5 min)

General thinking process evaluation

Thinking process questions

Topic / what we checkQ
Willpower• Why do you want to work for us?
- What’s the most difficult challenge that you’ve overcome?
- Tell me about your greatest failure. 
- What’s your proudest accomplishment?

• What gives your life meaning?
â—¦ What keeps you up at night?
• What takes up
too much of your time?
â—¦ How do you manage your work-life balance?
• Do you do sport programming, contests, hackatons?
Communication• What is the most annoying question that people ask you?
• Pretend I’m not a tech person.
â—¦ Can you explain TCP/IP in simple terms?
Can you explain what is wrong with website if you saw in logs:
1118 SQLSTATE: 42000 (ER_TOO_BIG_ROWSIZE)Message: Row size too large. The maximum row size for the used table type, not counting BLOBs, is %ld. You have to change some columns to TEXT or BLOBs
Growth• Why did you decide to do the work you are doing now?
- Tell me about a time you accidently released imperfect code. How did you find out about it, and what steps did you take to rectify the situation?
• How do you keep your technology skills current?
What is project are you proud of?
â—¦ What was your role?
â–Ş What technical challenges did you face?
• What are your favorite and least favorite technology products, and why?
Creativity- How would you organize your dream project today?
- Do you do sport programming, contests, hackatons?
- How do you balance speed and quality?
- How do you develop a product without a tangible marketing requirements document or user interface specification?
Leadership- What was the last presentation you gave?
- Do you have pet projects?
- What have you done to build a positive reputation in the tech community for you and the company that you currently work for?
- Do you own open source repos?
Management- What’s the difference between managing individual contributors and managing managers?

How do you think engineering teams should be organized?
How do you allocate engineers to different projects?
How do you onboard engineers to new projects?
How do you manage priorities across engineering teams?

- What is your role in recruiting for the teams you manage?
How do you know if someone will add to the culture of your teams?
What balance of senior and junior engineers do you need on a team to ensure its success?

How many direct reports should a manager have at any given time?

How do you manage your team’s performance?
How do you determine when someone needs to be promoted? 
Tell me about a time one of your direct reports wasn't meeting their goals. What steps did you take? 
What do you do when someone quits?
How do you ensure knowledge transfer before someone quits?

What core values do you think every engineering team should hold?
Describe your best hire.  How did you recruit them?
Describe your worst hire.  What went wrong?
Critical thinking• How did you like this interview? What can we improve in tech interview?

Candidate’s questions

Evaluate curiousity, question topics as past pain-areas

Impress & Sell (5 min)


Evaluating Candidates

Quantitative Scoring: The 5 point scale.

The points on the scale, as shown on the bottom of Greenhouse scorecards, have the following meaning:

Strong Yes: We should hire this person, and I'm prepared to argue why.

Yes: We should hire this person, but I could be convinced otherwise.

No: We should not hire this person, but I could be convinced otherwise.

Strong No

: We should not hire this person, and I'm prepared to argue why.