
Q- What’s the difference between managing individual contributors and managing managers?

How do you think engineering teams should be organized?
How do you allocate engineers to different projects?
How do you onboard engineers to new projects?
How do you manage priorities across engineering teams?

- What is your role in recruiting for the teams you manage?
How do you know if someone will add to the culture of your teams?
What balance of senior and junior engineers do you need on a team to ensure its success?

How many direct reports should a manager have at any given time?

How do you manage your team’s performance?
How do you determine when someone needs to be promoted? 
Tell me about a time one of your direct reports wasn't meeting their goals. What steps did you take? 
What do you do when someone quits?
How do you ensure knowledge transfer before someone quits?

What core values do you think every engineering team should hold?
Describe your best hire.  How did you recruit them?
Describe your worst hire.  What went wrong?