

Salary coefficient0.8
Netto salary (EUR)3200
Palgafond (netto + taxes)5552
Equity plan (shares)1000
Equity staff level coefficient0.5

Expected competencies


TagsNameLevelCompany Values
FeedbackKnows how to deliver praise and constructive feedback in a useful mannerπŸ₯‰JuniorπŸ”…Radiate truth
TeamworkOpen to collaboration: joining workshops, pair programming, accepts help when stuckπŸ₯‰Junior🐝Team effort
CommunicationClearly articulates questions in both verbal and written formsπŸ₯‰Junior🧸Humbly kind
Project management and prioritisationUnderstands the agile delivery processπŸ₯‰Juniorβ›ΊAdapt to change
CommunicationShares information about their own and their team's progressβ€”successes, difficulties, failures, and delays when askedπŸ₯‰Junior🧸Humbly kind
CommunicationDoesn’t withhold or manipulate information and its distribution for anyone's benefitπŸ₯‰Junior🧸Humbly kind
CommunicationCommunicates with others politely and with empathy, understands that people come from different cultures and backgroundsπŸ₯‰Junior🧸Humbly kind
TeamworkOffers help when others say they're stuckπŸ₯‰Junior🐝Team effort
TeamworkVerifies their opinion with facts. Changes opinion in face of clearly disproving informationπŸ₯‰Junior🐝Team effort
FeedbackGets better through delivering some praise and critique to their teammatesπŸ₯‰JuniorπŸ”…Radiate truth
FeedbackMakes it easy for others to give feedback to them. Shows appreciation, isn't defensive, actively listens and tries to understand the feedbackπŸ₯‰JuniorπŸ”…Radiate truth
FeedbackAdmits they don't know everything and that they have something to learn from othersπŸ₯‰JuniorπŸ”…Radiate truth
FeedbackSeeks advice without a concern about how others will perceive themπŸ₯‰JuniorπŸ”…Radiate truth
Ownership and driveDoesn’t wait for someone else to tell them what to doπŸ₯‰Juniorβ›ΊAdapt to change
Ownership and driveAble to ask for clarification or for help when strugglingπŸ₯‰Juniorβ›ΊAdapt to change
Ownership and driveShows interest and motivation when working without external motivationπŸ₯‰Juniorβ›ΊAdapt to change
Ownership and driveFaces new situations with curiosityπŸ₯‰Juniorβ›ΊAdapt to change
ReliabilityHas daily conversations with the team about the progress of their workπŸ₯‰JuniorπŸ”…Radiate truth
ReliabilityDelivers on commitments while understanding their importance and priorityπŸ₯‰JuniorπŸ”…Radiate truth
Problem solvingSolves simple and well-defined tasks by themselvesπŸ₯‰Juniorβ›ΊAdapt to change
Problem solvingCan split work into actionable chunks with the assistance of othersπŸ₯‰Juniorβ›ΊAdapt to change
Problem solvingRecognizes large or complex problems and involves the team for assistanceπŸ₯‰Junior⛰️New horizons
Business domain knowledgeUnderstands general company customer needs. Knows how our customers do their job and how are we helping them. Knows what products do we offerπŸ₯‰Junior🍯Gather value
Business domain knowledgeUnderstands business priorities and ways how company and team decisions support those.β€’ Learns their team's domain (e.g. email, scheduling, mobile, internal tooling) and their customers needsπŸ₯‰Junior🍯Gather value
Business domain knowledgeAble to adjust priorities, scope and quality with guidance from othersπŸ₯‰Junior🍯Gather value
Code qualityAware of the code quality practices and understands the reasons behind them and practices some of themπŸ₯‰Junior🧿Observable mind
Code qualityCan reason about and understand existing non-complex codeπŸ₯‰Junior🧿Observable mind
Code qualityAble to document solutions and explain their decisionsπŸ₯‰Junior🧿Observable mind
Code reviewsPerforms code reviews regularly without a need to be explicitly askedπŸ₯‰Junior🧿Observable mind
Code reviewsAsks questions in PR about code which they don't understandπŸ₯‰Junior🧿Observable mind
Code reviewsAble to find typos and code inconsistency in any codeπŸ₯‰Junior🧿Observable mind
Code reviewsFinds possible issues in known componentsπŸ₯‰Junior🧿Observable mind
System design and architectureUnderstands the architecture and design used in the team on the level that allows them to independently work on tasks, avoiding duplication across codebases and interface-breaking changesπŸ₯‰Junior⛰️New horizons
System design and architectureNew code is aligned with the team architecture and company best practicesπŸ₯‰Junior⛰️New horizons
Engineering OperationsHelps answer questions in public channelsπŸ₯‰JuniorπŸ”…Radiate truth
Engineering OperationsIs aware of CI/CD pipeline and tools the team is usingπŸ₯‰Junior🧿Observable mind
Engineering OperationsKnows how to rollback to working version of the module in case of an incidentπŸ₯‰Junior🧿Observable mind
Engineering OperationsIs aware of monitors and alerts in the teamπŸ₯‰Junior🧿Observable mind
Project management and prioritisationSpots tasks which are too big when they work on itπŸ₯‰Juniorβ›ΊAdapt to change
Project management and prioritisationCommunicates dependencies and potential blockersπŸ₯‰Juniorβ›ΊAdapt to change
Project management and prioritisationEnsures that tasks are appropriately sized for incremental delivery with help from othersπŸ₯‰Juniorβ›ΊAdapt to change
Project management and prioritisationUnderstands and acts according to task prioritisationπŸ₯‰Juniorβ›ΊAdapt to change
Project management and prioritisationCommunicates with task stakeholders (PM, Design) to clarify and review their workπŸ₯‰Juniorβ›ΊAdapt to change
Project management and prioritisationAble to estimate a taskπŸ₯‰Juniorβ›ΊAdapt to change
FacilitationEnsures that all relevant parties are involvedπŸ₯‰Junior🐝Team effort
FacilitationOrganizes meetings, finds the most suitable time for all participantsπŸ₯‰Junior🐝Team effort
FacilitationIs responsible for agenda and results of the meetingπŸ₯‰Junior🐝Team effort
FacilitationPerforms basic meeting facilitationπŸ₯‰Junior🐝Team effort
Developing othersSometimes supports their teammates in an open, respectful, flexible, empathetic manner (for example: helping with learning technical skills or overcoming technical challenges)πŸ₯‰Junior🐝Team effort
Developing othersHelps with onboarding newcomersπŸ₯‰Junior🐝Team effort
DecisivenessMake decisions where necessary information is availableπŸ₯‰Juniorβ›ΊAdapt to change
DecisivenessWith guidance, are able to handle risk, change, and uncertainty within their personal scope of work effectivelyπŸ₯‰Juniorβ›ΊAdapt to change
Project management and prioritisationUnderstands company, team and project goals and always working towards themπŸ₯‰Juniorβ›ΊAdapt to change
Project management and prioritisationAlways asks for clarification if something is unclearπŸ₯‰Juniorβ›ΊAdapt to change
CommunicationClearly expresses thoughts and ideas, listens, and is approachableπŸŽ’Intern🧸Humbly kind
CommunicationHas an ability to relay information openly and transparentlyπŸŽ’Intern🧸Humbly kind
CommunicationHabitually shares information with others inside and outside the companyπŸŽ’Intern🧸Humbly kind
CommunicationOpen-mindedness and a habit of learning from others regardless of their position or experienceπŸŽ’Intern🧸Humbly kind
CommunicationAbility to admit being wrong or not knowing somethingπŸŽ’Intern🧸Humbly kind
TeamworkAbility to work with others, providing support and assistance to achieve team goalsπŸŽ’Intern🐝Team effort
TeamworkGreat things are achieved by teams and the person accepts that the team is collectively smarter than them aloneπŸŽ’Intern🐝Team effort
FeedbackOpenness towards both receiving and giving feedbackπŸŽ’InternπŸ”…Radiate truth
FeedbackMakes it easy for others to give feedbackπŸŽ’InternπŸ”…Radiate truth