
Competency matrix


LevelCompany ValuesTagsName
πŸ₯‡Senior / ManagerπŸ”…Radiate truthFeedbackConsistently gives good quality feedback, both praise and suggestions for improvement
πŸ…Staff / Lead / HeadπŸ”…Radiate truthFeedbackWorks on a team-level to foster a culture of seeking out feedback and using it as a tool for growth
πŸŽ–οΈPrincipal / Director / Group EMFeedbackHelps with implementing the best practices for giving feedback across teams
πŸ…Staff / Lead / HeadFeedbackOthers turn to them for help giving difficult feedback
πŸ…Staff / Lead / HeadπŸ”…Radiate truthFeedbackFosters a culture of delivering praise and constructive feedback within their team
πŸ₯‡Senior / ManagerπŸ”…Radiate truthFeedbackAsks for ad-hoc feedback in appropriate situations (important presentation, discussion, interviews, etc.)
πŸ₯‡Senior / ManagerπŸ”…Radiate truthFeedbackWorks on a project level to foster a culture of seeking out feedback and using it as a tool for growth
πŸ₯‡Senior / ManagerπŸ”…Radiate truthFeedbackPractices radical candorβ€”timely, clear and directed feedback
πŸ₯‡Senior / ManagerπŸ”…Radiate truthFeedbackNot afraid to speak truth to power, and as such is trusted by the business to have an honest opinion
πŸ₯‡Senior / ManagerπŸ”…Radiate truthFeedbackProactively and regularly delivers constructive feedback to the people they collaborate with
πŸ₯ˆMiddleπŸ”…Radiate truthFeedbackUses the received feedback as a tool for growth. Demonstrates actions made based on feedback
πŸ₯ˆMiddleπŸ”…Radiate truthFeedbackActively seeks out feedback from their teammates and project leaders
πŸ₯ˆMiddleπŸ”…Radiate truthFeedbackDelivers feedback not only to their peers, but also to other roles they collaborate with when an opportunity arises
πŸ₯ˆMiddleπŸ”…Radiate truthFeedbackRegularly delivers praise and constructive critique to their teammates.
πŸ”†Fellow / C* / VP🐝Team effortTeamworkHelps teams outside of the company
πŸŽ–οΈPrincipal / Director / Group EM🐝Team effortTeamworkOrganizes workshops, TEXs, knowledge sharing session with the whole company
πŸŽ–οΈPrincipal / Director / Group EM🐝Team effortTeamworkFosters a culture of continuous improvement on the company level
πŸ…Staff / Lead / Head🐝Team effortTeamworkFosters support and collaboration in the tribe
πŸ₯‡Senior / Manager🐝Team effortTeamworkFosters a culture of continuous improvement on a team level
πŸ₯‡Senior / Manager🐝Team effortTeamworkAble to notice overwhelmed colleagues, supports and distributes their work among the team to be more equally spread
πŸ…Staff / Lead / Head🧸Humbly kindCommunicationEffectively promotes company branding through several public communication initiatives such as public speaking (e.g., Meetups) or blog post writing
πŸŽ–οΈPrincipal / Director / Group EM🧸Humbly kindCommunicationNot only practices mindful communication and active listening in interactions, but fosters these practices in others
πŸŽ–οΈPrincipal / Director / Group EM🧸Humbly kindCommunicationOthers often seek out their advice on matters involving communication
πŸ₯‡Senior / Manager🧸Humbly kindCommunicationQuickly extracts core issues from discussions and meetings. Their presence makes meetings more productive
πŸ₯‡Senior / Manager🧸Humbly kindCommunicationHolds constructive, objective, and critical discussions on controversial issues with difficult audiences
πŸ₯‡Senior / Manager🧸Humbly kindCommunicationIdentifies how written communication can be received differently by others, and switches communication mediums and styles to convey a clear and kind message
πŸ₯ˆMiddle🐝Team effortTeamworkContributes to a culture of continuous improvement on a project level
πŸ₯ˆMiddle🐝Team effortTeamworkWilling to lose an argument to move forward
πŸ₯ˆMiddle🐝Team effortTeamworkShares the blame when something goes wrong, fixes team delivery problems regardless of who caused it
πŸ₯ˆMiddle🐝Team effortTeamworkInitiates pair programming and other ways to solve problems through team member collaboration
πŸ₯ˆMiddle🧸Humbly kindCommunicationPractices active listening techniques towards the team
πŸ₯ˆMiddle🧸Humbly kindCommunicationIdentifies situations where others in the company could benefit from the information they know, and shares it (guilds, team TEX-es).
πŸ₯ˆMiddle🧸Humbly kindCommunicationWritten communication is concise and clear
πŸ₯ˆMiddle🧸Humbly kindCommunicationClarifies information when it's vague or confusing
πŸŽ’InternπŸ”…Radiate truthFeedbackMakes it easy for others to give feedback
πŸ”†Fellow / C* / VPFeedbackFosters feedback culture
πŸŽ’InternπŸ”…Radiate truthFeedbackOpenness towards both receiving and giving feedback
πŸ”†Fellow / C* / VP🐝Team effortTeamworkOthers look forward to working with them
πŸ₯‡Senior / Manager🐝Team effortTeamworkMakes sure that teammates have what they need to contribute to team success
πŸŽ’Intern🐝Team effortTeamworkGreat things are achieved by teams and the person accepts that the team is collectively smarter than them alone
πŸ₯ˆMiddle🐝Team effortTeamworkShares the team's responsibilities and ensures the credit is shared
πŸ₯‡Senior / Manager🐝Team effortTeamworkFinds the best solution is more important than just being right
πŸ₯‡Senior / Manager🐝Team effortTeamworkValues the team and team’s results above personal success
πŸŽ’Intern🐝Team effortTeamworkAbility to work with others, providing support and assistance to achieve team goals
πŸŽ’Intern🧸Humbly kindCommunicationAbility to admit being wrong or not knowing something
πŸŽ’Intern🧸Humbly kindCommunicationOpen-mindedness and a habit of learning from others regardless of their position or experience
πŸŽ’Intern🧸Humbly kindCommunicationHabitually shares information with others inside and outside the company
πŸŽ’Intern🧸Humbly kindCommunicationHas an ability to relay information openly and transparently
πŸŽ’Intern🧸Humbly kindCommunicationClearly expresses thoughts and ideas, listens, and is approachable
πŸ₯‰Juniorβ›ΊAdapt to changeProject management and prioritisationAlways asks for clarification if something is unclear
πŸ₯‰Juniorβ›ΊAdapt to changeProject management and prioritisationUnderstands company, team and project goals and always working towards them
πŸ₯‰Juniorβ›ΊAdapt to changeDecisivenessWith guidance, are able to handle risk, change, and uncertainty within their personal scope of work effectively
πŸ₯‰Juniorβ›ΊAdapt to changeDecisivenessMake decisions where necessary information is available
πŸ₯‰Junior🐝Team effortDeveloping othersHelps with onboarding newcomers
πŸ₯‰Junior🐝Team effortDeveloping othersSometimes supports their teammates in an open, respectful, flexible, empathetic manner (for example: helping with learning technical skills or overcoming technical challenges)
πŸ₯‰Junior🐝Team effortFacilitationPerforms basic meeting facilitation
πŸ₯‰Junior🐝Team effortFacilitationIs responsible for agenda and results of the meeting
πŸ₯‰Junior🐝Team effortFacilitationOrganizes meetings, finds the most suitable time for all participants
πŸ₯‰Junior🐝Team effortFacilitationEnsures that all relevant parties are involved
πŸ₯‰Juniorβ›ΊAdapt to changeProject management and prioritisationAble to estimate a task
πŸ₯‰Juniorβ›ΊAdapt to changeProject management and prioritisationCommunicates with task stakeholders (PM, Design) to clarify and review their work
πŸ₯‰Juniorβ›ΊAdapt to changeProject management and prioritisationUnderstands and acts according to task prioritisation
πŸ₯‰Juniorβ›ΊAdapt to changeProject management and prioritisationEnsures that tasks are appropriately sized for incremental delivery with help from others
πŸ₯‰Juniorβ›ΊAdapt to changeProject management and prioritisationCommunicates dependencies and potential blockers
πŸ₯‰Juniorβ›ΊAdapt to changeProject management and prioritisationSpots tasks which are too big when they work on it
πŸ₯‰Junior🧿Observable mindEngineering OperationsIs aware of monitors and alerts in the team
πŸ₯‰Junior🧿Observable mindEngineering OperationsKnows how to rollback to working version of the module in case of an incident
πŸ₯‰Junior🧿Observable mindEngineering OperationsIs aware of CI/CD pipeline and tools the team is using
πŸ₯‰JuniorπŸ”…Radiate truthEngineering OperationsHelps answer questions in public channels
πŸ₯‰Junior⛰️New horizonsSystem design and architectureNew code is aligned with the team architecture and company best practices
πŸ₯‰Junior⛰️New horizonsSystem design and architectureUnderstands the architecture and design used in the team on the level that allows them to independently work on tasks, avoiding duplication across codebases and interface-breaking changes
πŸ₯‰Junior🧿Observable mindCode reviewsFinds possible issues in known components
πŸ₯‰Junior🧿Observable mindCode reviewsAble to find typos and code inconsistency in any code
πŸ₯‰Junior🧿Observable mindCode reviewsAsks questions in PR about code which they don't understand
πŸ₯‰Junior🧿Observable mindCode reviewsPerforms code reviews regularly without a need to be explicitly asked
πŸ₯‰Junior🧿Observable mindCode qualityAble to document solutions and explain their decisions
πŸ₯‰Junior🧿Observable mindCode qualityCan reason about and understand existing non-complex code
πŸ₯‰Junior🧿Observable mindCode qualityAware of the code quality practices and understands the reasons behind them and practices some of them
πŸ₯‰Junior🍯Gather valueBusiness domain knowledgeAble to adjust priorities, scope and quality with guidance from others
πŸ₯‰Junior🍯Gather valueBusiness domain knowledgeUnderstands business priorities and ways how company and team decisions support those.β€’ Learns their team's domain (e.g. email, scheduling, mobile, internal tooling) and their customers needs
πŸ₯‰Junior🍯Gather valueBusiness domain knowledgeUnderstands general company customer needs. Knows how our customers do their job and how are we helping them. Knows what products do we offer
πŸ₯‰Junior⛰️New horizonsProblem solvingRecognizes large or complex problems and involves the team for assistance
πŸ₯‰Juniorβ›ΊAdapt to changeProblem solvingCan split work into actionable chunks with the assistance of others
πŸ₯‰Juniorβ›ΊAdapt to changeProblem solvingSolves simple and well-defined tasks by themselves
πŸ₯‰JuniorπŸ”…Radiate truthReliabilityDelivers on commitments while understanding their importance and priority
πŸ₯‰JuniorπŸ”…Radiate truthReliabilityHas daily conversations with the team about the progress of their work
πŸ₯‰Juniorβ›ΊAdapt to changeOwnership and driveFaces new situations with curiosity
πŸ₯‰Juniorβ›ΊAdapt to changeOwnership and driveShows interest and motivation when working without external motivation
πŸ₯‰Juniorβ›ΊAdapt to changeOwnership and driveAble to ask for clarification or for help when struggling
πŸ₯‰Juniorβ›ΊAdapt to changeOwnership and driveDoesn’t wait for someone else to tell them what to do
πŸ₯‰JuniorπŸ”…Radiate truthFeedbackSeeks advice without a concern about how others will perceive them
πŸ₯‰JuniorπŸ”…Radiate truthFeedbackAdmits they don't know everything and that they have something to learn from others
πŸ₯‰JuniorπŸ”…Radiate truthFeedbackMakes it easy for others to give feedback to them. Shows appreciation, isn't defensive, actively listens and tries to understand the feedback
πŸ₯‰JuniorπŸ”…Radiate truthFeedbackGets better through delivering some praise and critique to their teammates
πŸ₯‰Junior🐝Team effortTeamworkVerifies their opinion with facts. Changes opinion in face of clearly disproving information
πŸ₯‰Junior🐝Team effortTeamworkOffers help when others say they're stuck
πŸ₯‰Junior🧸Humbly kindCommunicationCommunicates with others politely and with empathy, understands that people come from different cultures and backgrounds
πŸ₯‰Junior🧸Humbly kindCommunicationDoesn’t withhold or manipulate information and its distribution for anyone's benefit
πŸ₯‰Junior🧸Humbly kindCommunicationShares information about their own and their team's progressβ€”successes, difficulties, failures, and delays when asked
πŸ₯‰Juniorβ›ΊAdapt to changeProject management and prioritisationUnderstands the agile delivery process
πŸ₯‰JuniorπŸ”…Radiate truthFeedbackKnows how to deliver praise and constructive feedback in a useful manner
πŸ₯‰Junior🐝Team effortTeamworkOpen to collaboration: joining workshops, pair programming, accepts help when stuck
πŸ₯‰Junior🧸Humbly kindCommunicationClearly articulates questions in both verbal and written forms
πŸ₯ˆMiddle🐝Team effortOwnership and driveAccountable for the quality and timeline of an outcome of their work and cares about the outcome of the team (proactively takes ownership of some of the actions the team needs to do)
πŸ₯ˆMiddleβ›ΊAdapt to changeOwnership and driveActively seeks solutions they believe will unblock the progress in their work
πŸ₯ˆMiddle⛰️New horizonsOwnership and driveProactively stepping up and taking ownership of problems which are not owned by anyone within their role context
πŸ₯‡Senior / Manager🐝Team effortOwnership and driveAccountable for the quality of the outcome of their team
πŸ₯‡Senior / Manager⛰️New horizonsOwnership and driveProactively steps up and takes ownership of problems which are not owned by anyone within their team context
πŸ₯‡Senior / Manager⛰️New horizonsOwnership and driveFully autonomous in establishing goals and keeping track of them, even when faced with multiple obstacles in a team context
πŸ…Staff / Lead / HeadπŸ”…Radiate truthOwnership and driveMotivates others when facing a new situation

πŸ₯ˆMiddle πŸ₯‡Senior / Manager

πŸ…Staff / Lead / Head
πŸŽ–οΈPrincipal / Director / Group EM

πŸ”†Fellow / C* / VP
Ownership and Drive

Takes ownership when they know it’s not someone else’s responsibility. Not just saying it, but really getting fuel from doing it. They don't need co-workers or leaders to motivate them. Motivation comes from a deep emotional connection to their work. They spend, but also get energy while working.
This person, as an individual, is accountable for the quality and timeliness of an outcome, even when they are working with others. They take responsibility for their mistakes and make sure that these mistakes won’t happen again. They set, track and follow goals.

Requirements for Advanced, plus:
β€’ Takes ownership of cross-tribe initiatives and does whatever action is needed to drive them to the successful resolution.
β€’ Doesn’t wait for requirements from others but starts activities when needed and presents it to the team and engages with others.
β€’ Ownership and drive at full scale: guilds, cross-department or company-level initiatives.
- Fosters a β€œculture of change” as a success factor of the team

Delivers on their promises. Shows up to meetings on time. Completes the work which they promised to do and lets everyone know if something unexpected happens.
Anticipates and communicates blockers, delays, and cost ballooning before they require escalation. Ensures their commitments are realistic, and understands their priority and urgency.

Requirements for Beginner, plus:
Commits to a realistic amount of work.
Works with their teammates both to ensure the teammates understand priority and urgency, and to deliver upon them accordingly.
Escalates blockers, delays, and cost ballooning to the team daily. Clarifies expectations with teammates.
Requirements for Intermediate, plus:
Understands the priority and urgency of the commitments, and delivers upon them accordingly.
Anticipates and communicates blockers, delays, and cost ballooning for their work before they require escalation.
Ensures expectations within their team and external stakeholders are clarified between all parties involved.
Requirements for Advanced, plus:
Successfully manages both cross-team and organization-wide commitments, their progress, and roadmap to delivery.
Anticipates and communicates blockers, delays, and cost ballooning across teams, before they require escalation. Ensures expectations across teams and stakeholders are clarified between all parties involved.
Problem solving

Finds solutions to technical and domain problems. Tackles complex or unclear tasks. Has reasoning about large problems and splits them into smaller ones.
Requirements for Beginner, plus:
Tackles medium-sized problems (such as a non-trivial technical change in one component), involving others when needed.
Splits larger work (such as an epic) into workable chunks.
Solves problems with unclear steps but clearly defined outcomes.
Able to recognize and avoid workarounds and hacky solutions.
Requirements for Intermediate, plus:
Solves and drives large problems (such as non-trivial technical change in multiple components), including splitting, delegation and support for team members involved.
Adept at making decisions that involve a significant number of factors and have broad implications.
Accommodates into the solution possible unknowns. Solves problems with unclear outcomes.
Solution to the problem incorporates mid-/long-term impact and vision.
Requirements for Advanced, plus:
Drives solution to cross-team tasks (such as non-trivial technical change impacting multiple tribes), including delegation and support for teams involved.
Tackles problems spanning multiple degrees of complexity, f.e. organizational, performance and scalability.
Creates clarity when solving undefined problems.
Business Thinking and Domain Knowledge

Habitually makes decisions and delivers a product which brings value to customers, internal and external. Solves business problems by writing code, and putting customers before code excellence. Pride in their code isn’t taken over what's best for the product. For example, they wouldn't argue to keep a nice technical solution they like when it's not addressing customer needs.
Requirements for Beginner, plus:
Determined to understand the reasons for decisions and how they support the business needsβ€”asks the 'why?' questions.
Challenges others and impacts the delivery to serve their customer in the best possible way on the individual task level.
Able to adjust priorities, scope and quality to meet business goals and customer needs.
Knows their team's domain well enough to use that knowledge in daily work and decision making.
Requirements for Intermediate, plus:
Able to judge where a tradeoff of business needs and code quality lies and how to achieve both in the long run.
Able to explain the tradeoffs clearly and bring the team on the same page about them.
Uses domain knowledge to make decisions and challenges others.
Understands the impact of failures on the customer experience
Requirements for Advanced, plus:
Ensures projects are run in support of the business needs.
Makes strategic decisions that support the right tradeoff of effort, quality and business requirements and able to communicate such decisions to all stakeholders.
Is an expert in their team's business domain, having knowledge on a PM level
Recognises features where maintenance costs outweigh business benefit and advocates for sunsetting the features.
Code quality

Habit and skill of delivering quality code to the internal and external customers.
Requirements for Beginner, plus:
Produces code taking into account most quality practices.
Can reason about and understand existing complex code.
Can choose and discuss decisions for tools and technologies on the level of the mission, e.g. third party libraries for the component.
Writes secure-by-design code without supervision, including input validation and data sanitation.
Requirements for Intermediate, plus:
Produces code following all quality practices.
Participates in defining best practices.
Can choose and discuss decisions for tools and technologies on the level of the tribe, e.g. JavaScript vs TypeScript.
Requirements for Advanced, plus:
Delivers solutions which can serve as examples to the whole company.
Can choose and argument decisions for tools and technologies on the level of the company initiatives.
Code reviews

Habit of thorough, consistent and objective code reviews. Reviewing frequently and providing helpful feedback which allows people to develop better skills and our systems to be of higher quality. They don't perform superficial reviews for the sake of speed or number of performed reviews.
Requirements for Beginner, plus:
Able to identify code quality issues and suggesting improvements.
Communicates when the new code is too difficult to review (too big, unstructured, etc).
Provides direct, unbiased and kind feedback.
Notices when PRs are not being reviewed in a timely manner and communicates this
Requirements for Intermediate, plus:
Able to identify design and architectural issues, including scalability and performance.
Can review and identify code quality and design issues in previously unknown code.
Provides feedback to the author which promotes growth and confidence.
Requirements for Advanced, plus:
Fosters a culture of timely, quality code reviews in the tribe
System design and architecture

Designs applications/features that are scalable and allows incremental development by minimizing the cost of possible future changes. Makes good tradeoffs between over-engineering and naive solutions.
Requirements for Beginner, plus:
Has a deep understanding of the architecture of some services/components/features in the tribe and is able to explain it to others
Can drive changes in tribe architecture and argument the reasons
Is capable of building an application/feature from scratch following the same architecture.
Requirements for Intermediate, plus:
β€’ Systems are designed to meet the performance needs of our most demanding customers.
β€’ Designs allow easy incremental development.
β€’ Capable of building an application from scratch using best-fit architecture.
β€’ Able to gain a deep understanding of the architecture of complex existing services.
β€’ Understands the effect of changes and failures in tribe services for Gratheon.
Requirements for Advanced, plus:
Able to discuss architecture on company-level, knows drawbacks and advantages of different approaches.
Has general knowledge of the architecture used by other tribes, including bounded contexts and how they interact with each other.
Guides team in the organization in anticipation of future use cases and helps them make design decisions that minimize the cost of future changes.
A go-to-person in the organization for solving complex architectural problems.
Engineering Operations

Focuses on smoothness and stability of tribe services in the production and during the deployment. Monitors the quality of the service and improves it. Understands and improves Continuous Delivery practices.
Requirements for Beginner, plus:
Proven ability to take on-call either by performing it or by doing other related activities such as resolving incidents.
Understands our CI/CD pipeline and is able to explain it to a newcomer.
Works with and customizes team monitors and alerts.
Is aware of the operational data for their team’s services and uses it as a basis for suggesting stability and performance improvements.
Requirements for Intermediate, plus:
Actively addresses production incidents, facilitates in-tribe post-mortems and brings precautions to prevent similar problems in the future
Knows how to get to troubleshoot and gather logs/data required for resolving the incident. Is able to figure the root cause of the incident on their own and assess severity.
Able to investigate failed deployments and find solutions.
Continuously adds monitoring to tribe services, utilizing all tools available in the company. Creates new alerts. Is able to assess their severity.
Helps others with an understanding of the current system state (sets dashboards and makes sure they are understandable and visible)
Requirements for Advanced, plus:
Actively addresses production incidents not owned by their tribe and helps ascertain business impact.
Assesses module reliability, brings metrics and monitors to ensure test quality and coverage.
Customizes build pipeline to match tribe/company needs.
Participates on improving quality of services company-wide, writes customizations to the tools, evaluates tools we are not using etc.
Fosters a culture of observability on a company level and helps everyone use operational data to improve stability and performance of their services.
Project management and prioritisation

Breaks down work into small pieces. Prioritizing work based on different, often competing, factors such as cost/effort, time, quality or business value. Uses appropriate tools to manage a project and visualize progress. Identifies blockers upfront and manages them. Makes sure a group of people effectively tackles projects of various size - splitting work between team members, delivering incrementally, collaborating when needed. Coming up with reasonable estimates.
Requirements for Beginner, plus:
Reviews epics critically and breaks them down so they are appropriately sized for continuous integration and incremental delivery.
Ensures tasks are prioritized correctly, and that dependencies are noted.
Closes tasks and bugs with negative ROI
Effectively leads up to 3 people on an epic making sure that value is delivered incrementally. Ability to share progress of the epic.
Effectively uses advanced features of our project management tools (creating epics, setting up boards, using filters, ...)
Requirements for Intermediate, plus:
β€’ Reviews projects scope critically and breaks them down so they are appropriately sized for continuous integration and incremental delivery.
β€’ Makes a mission-sized project well understood by the team.
β€’ Effectively manages a project when it comes to project management. Makes sure that people are working on what makes most sense, that engineers aren't blocked and that the progress is communicated well.
β€’ Ensures dependencies are noted and well understood by the team, at both the task and epic level. Works within their team to foster a culture of priority setting and urgency in alignment with organizational strategy.
β€’ Finds appropriate people to execute the project.
β€’ Involves all relevant parties when they need to be informed or to contribute.
Requirements for Advanced, plus:
Reviews organization-wide work critically and ensures it’s appropriately broken down and prioritized across the organization.
Identifies dependencies across the organization and works with individual teams to resolve them before they become an issue, and installs preventative measures to mitigate repeat occurrences.
Works across the organization to foster a culture of priority setting and urgency in alignment with organizational strategy.
Manages and organizes projects involving multiple missions.

Effectively facilitatyes meetings and discussions. Organized meetings have structure, agenda and outcomes. Guides discussions toward decisions, clarifying and getting buy-in. Settles disputes without escalation - conflict resolution. Ability to use the correct meeting format for the job (brainstorming, workshop, ...). Ensuring no singular person dominates the conversation and encouraging everyone to speak up. Ensuring relevant parties are included in discussions.
Connects people, for example PMs with engineers or other departments to foster good collaboration. Keeping high-quality professional relationships.
Requirements for Beginner, plus:
β€’ Successfully and effectively facilitates discussions within a project (mission or launchpad).
β€’ Able to resolve minor disputes without escalation.
β€’ Participates in interviews.
Requirements for Intermediate, plus:
Successfully and effectively facilitates team-wide discussions.
Is open to stepping in and helping with facilitation of discussion between teams or individuals.
Requirements for Advanced, plus:
Successfully and effectively facilitates discussions across teams.
Able to resolve conflicts in a dysfunctional team.
Understands a strategy all the way from the company level to the project or task level. Knows "why" things are being done, and transfers that knowledge to others around them. Participates in or leads discussions where the "why" is decided and clarified.Requirements for Beginner, plus:
β€’ Drives alignment on a project level. Discusses the goals with the project team and makes sure everyone understands the "why".
β€’ Recognizes when someone else needs to be involved to provide clarity (PM).
Requirements for Intermediate, plus:
β€’ Drives alignment on a team level.
β€’ Incorporates personal goals of team members together with the team goals, so that people are happy and business gets done (example: when one team member cares about code quality and other cares about velocity, the team goal should incorporate both as long as they are compatible).
- Fosters a culture of having conversations based on organizational strategy and goals to create alignment on a project level.
Requirements for Advanced, plus:
- Fosters a culture across teams of having conversations based on organizational strategy and goals to create alignment.
β€’ Ensures goals are understood and continuously worked towards across teams.
Developing others

Helps others grow and overcome obstacles. This is especially important in a self-managed organization. We will not have managers with mentoring responsibility, so this needs to be done by peers.
Good mentors posses the following skills (among others):
β€’ Active listening
β€’ Questioning skills
β€’ Trust building
β€’ Goal determining and setting
β€’ Inspiring people
β€’ Encouraging others
Requirements for Beginner, plus:
β€’ Regularly supports their teammates in an open, respectful, flexible, empathetic manner (for example: helping with learning technical skills or overcoming technical challenges).
β€’ Grows their mentoring skills by actively looking for opportunities to support others.
β€’ Helps others grow in other than technical skills. Can help with wide variety of topics or suggest a different mentor.
Requirements for Intermediate, plus:
β€’ Uses some coaching techniques - coaches people by letting them find the answers and make decisions without direct influence or advice.
- Fosters an organizational culture of mentoring by seeking out mentoring opportunities for themselves and others.
- Mindful about the personal development of others (example: recognising growth opportunities for others, such as relevant missions to join).
β€’ Notices when someone is down, burned out, unproductive and reaches out to them to support and assist. Reminds of the importance of a proper work-life balance.
Requirements for Advanced, plus:
Mentors people, that are even from different tribes, in an open, respectful, flexible, empathetic manner.
Supports others in their growth as mentors.

Analyzes different sources, using experience & knowledge. Makes decisions in order to move forward and not to be stuck for a long time. In addition to making a decision, also is the first one to act upon that decision.
Example: Technical decisions when all options have pros and cons.
Requirements for Beginner, plus:
Able to make decisions when some information is incomplete or ambiguous when situation requires.
Looks at different options in high-pressure situations.
Handles risk, change, and uncertainty within their personal scope of work effectively.
Requirements for Intermediate, plus:
Able to make strategic decisions in ambiguous and challenging situations.
Effectively handles risk, change, and uncertainty within their team.
Requirements for Advanced, plus:
- Makes high-stake decisions when facing multiple degrees of ambiguity and uncertainty, such as simultaneous personnel, organizational and time constraints.
- Enables others to make decisions in the face of uncertainty and pressure. Integrates approaches into a complete solution and creates new concept models.