QR-code printing & scanning
Status | Idea |
billing plan | 2-essential |
Priority | 13 |
estimate | 3 |
impact = priority % | 40 |
Tags | backendfrontend |
- This may be useful for 👨🏻🚒Industrial beekeepers with 100 hives that don’t use numeric system or don’t want to search for it in the app.
- For beekeepers that want to print QR code in case beekeeper wants to put it on a honey 🍯 jar
Suggested solution
- When generating ♻️Share of beehive inspection public URL, also generate an image of a QR code that can be saved or printed
- add ability to inject hive name/number into a qr code
An extension of this could be ♻️Share of beehive inspection public URL, then URL could point to public view of the hive.