Vocal pitch (by Aleksei)

Hello everyone!

My name is Artjom and today I am here to present Gratheon.


Please raise your hand if you’ve had one of the meals served here during the weekend. (quite many of you)

I hope you have noticed they were almost completely plant-based. And most of it cannot be produced without tiny fuzzy and cute creatures - the bees, as about 75% of food crops globally depend on pollination.

These wonderful beings are also known for giving us another gift - honey.

However, we are still not very efficient in helping them to produce it. When placing their homes - apiaries, we often disregard the surroundings or are plainly clueless about it, namely things like the types and volume of plants available in the pollination range, presence of other competing apiaries or any hazardous sources that can negatively affect bees or honey they produce.


To address that issue we have decided to create a solution that will allow you to get visibility and useful insights from the mapped data on all those aspects.

During the hackathon we have built [WHAT]

We have used [INSERT] datasets to [DO WHAT].

You can see that our prototype can [DO WHAT]

[3-competition and market]

While there are products for industrial-scale beekeepers, we are convinced our solution has a competitive range as it is primarily aimed at the still unexplored niche of smaller honey producers and individual beekeepers. Our ideal early adopters are individual tech-savvy beekeepers with 3-5 apiaries.

Moreover, the already existing solutions are largely focused on reporting data from apiaries as such and their automation, while missing on the analysis of macro-context, which is exactly the gap we seek to cover.


And to do that we have a well-rounded and experienced team of four with expertise in software development, data science, product management and business development.

With additional investment of [$$$] we hope to deliver additional features like [1,2,3] in [x] months.


Thank you for your attention. Let’s spread the buzz, and - of course -  your questions are welcome!