
Press kit

Materials for press media coverage



Bees on a sunflower in Croatia. Photo by Artjom Kurapov
Bees at the hive entrance, photo by Artjom Kurapov
Tallinn Zoo apiary, photo by Artjom Kurapov
Personal apiary, photo by Artjom Kurapov
Bees taking care of their brood

Bees and different cell types -capped brood, larvae, honey

Gratheon app

App user interface (in english)



Founder, at Lift99, local startup community. Photo by Iron Wolf Capital
Pitching, photo by Climathon
Explaining graphql subscriptions,
photo by devclub.ee

Founder Artjom Kurapov,
transporting bees in a car

Exhausted after doing inspections
Founder inspecting bees
photo by Garage48
photo by Tehnopol
photo by Pipedrive
Pitching at FoundersLiveTallinn


Past press contacts

šŸ“ŗKanal 7 interview

šŸ“ŗFeatured in a Delfi article

Past events


NameStart dateEnd dateURLOrganizerLocation
šŸ¦¾Climathon hackathonhttps://www.facebook.com/events/1317371698987678https://www.cleantechestonia.ee/Mektory, Tallinn
šŸ“ŗFeatured in a Delfi articlehttps://rus.delfi.ee/statja/120241694/programmist-pchelovod-u-menya-poyavilas-mechta-o-robote-kotoryy-budet-obsluzhivat-paseku-kak-vysokie-tehnologii-mogut-pomoch-pchelam
šŸš€Participated in 3-day Tehnopol tech startup bootcamphttps://www.tehnopol.ee/events/event/?organizer=3147&id=71426-tech-startup-bootcamp-3-paeva-x-online-x-vene-keelesTehnopolremote
šŸ¦¾Winner in API World + AI DevWorld Hackaton 2023https://api-world-hackathon-2023.devpost.com/project-galleryRemote
šŸ¦¾Garage 48 Cassini hackathonhttps://taikai.network/cassinihackathons/hackathons/intdev-humaidGarage48
šŸ“¢Devclub.eu talk about AI and beesdevclub.eu
šŸ“¢EstoniAI Meetup v5https://lu.ma/EstoniAI5WorklandFahle, Tallinn
šŸ’¶Visiting Startup Day 2024Tartu
šŸ“¢Founders Live pitchingfounderslive.comJaanika UmalasPalo Alto Club, Tallinn, Estonia
šŸ’¶EAS.ee deeptech grant qualifications webinarMS Teams
šŸ“ŗKanal 7 interviewDuomedia / Kanal 7 / Anna-Maria Ouertani
šŸš€Prototron.ee fund programm - TOP 25https://prototron.eePrototron fundTalTech main hall
šŸ’¶Pitch to 500cohttps://500.co/
šŸ’¶Pitch to Picus Capitalhttps://www.picuscap.com/remote
šŸ’¶Visiting Latitude59
šŸ’¶Pitch to purposetech.vc
šŸ’¶Sent deck to bdpartners.cz
šŸ’¶Sent deck to tilia.vc