
How to write technical documentation

Quick summary

Use github for documentation. For multiple services, use separate repo. Tie your tech doc to product

Create readme.md in your repo and add there:


Documentation can be of different type, depending on its purpose and end-user (specification document, maintenance sheet, integration document shared with other vendors etc.).This recommendation discusses documentation systems that is needed for web-app as a product for internal engineers.It does not refer to public API documentation, public knowledge center or how-to articles.

Single service (readme.md) structure

These are all optional, pick ones that are relevant to you. "Priority" column here is just to allow sorting of priorities

Description1 MUSTOverviewProblem statement and purpose of the service. Screenshot of the UI, if applicable
Installation3 COULDOverviewHow to run locally (installing dependencies, docker, shell scripts, manual actions)
Usage2 SHOULDOverview• Where its in UI
URL, feature flags, user settings, payment tier
Stakeholders3 COULDOverviewWho uses this service directly, who is affected (tribes, clients, third-party developers..), who is the owner
Roadmap3 COULDOverviewWhat is the future of this service. How it evolve (roadmap link), will it merge or be deprecated
TEX video4 WISHOverviewExplain how service works
Product requirements1 MUSTFunctionalityHow does service affect product experience?
Use cases / FAQ2 SHOULDFunctionalityStakeholders, actions, multiplicity.Example - describe typical scenarios that developers follow (adding some new code, extending a service etc)
Business rules / State diagram3 COULDFunctionality• use mermaid-jsThese are typically complex if-else scenarios important to how product behaves
Page navigation3 COULDFunctionalityUseful to show how user can navigate across UI
Entities & relationships3 COULDArchitectureConcepts and terminology, their one-to-many relationships. This can be seen as more general version of DB schema diagram, but can include entities that are not only in DB, but also in external services, filesystem, caches etc.
Contribution2 SHOULDProcesses• What needs to be done before PR (linters, codestyle, version bumping, changelog, drafting a release for a library)
How should pull-request review happen (slack notifications)
Who can deploy at what time (if applicable like in barista case)
Development3 COULDProcesses• How to build (global tools if needed)
How to run in hot reload mode
How to debug in IDE / docker, profile, benchmark
How initial DB is set up. Where are migrations & fixtures
Testing & Quality3 COULDProcesses• How to run unit tests (how to make snapshots)
How to run functional tests (how they work)
Badges (sonar, codeship, snyk)
Deployment / Publishing3 COULDProcesses• Deployment links (jenkins)
Monitoring links
Grafana dashboard
Prometheus endpoints for monitoring? What metrics are important/tracked?
Deployment diagram. Useful in case of complex server type or non-standard region setup (backoffice, marketplace)
Multi-DC diagram / region specific logic
Configuration2 SHOULDArchitecture• Do you use custom ENV variables that affect service? What are the default values?
Where its stored (consul, db, package.json)
What fields affect what, important TTLs
DB schema1 MUSTArchitecture• Use mermaid-js, See mermaid js example
Link to schemas / diagram (if service has any DB at all).Lucidchart can automatically generate it based on DQL dump
Events2 SHOULDArchitectureGenerated for external MQ, tracking or analytics engines
See identity as README example
Fastify event schema (typescript)
Links/accounts for sesheta, google analytics, newrelic, fullstory
Schema, fields, type. Link to tests
Tech stack3 COULDArchitectureList if stack is non-standard. Include versions
Language & extensions
Third-party product (cms, forum etc.)
Dependencies1 MUSTArchitecture• Use mermaid-js flow chart
you can include html links in service names to reference other repos - see barista example

Can include
external SaaS services & APIs
database servers
message queues
background (cron) jobs should include start time, frequency and name

Should include what service depends on (as network requests) - other- Use newrelic service maps to track calls in realtime- Service-manager for service discovery info
Libraries3 COULDArchitectureMention third-party dependencies if they are not standard for your stack (package.json, composer.json, Gopkg.toml)

Make sure that license allows commercial use
API2 SHOULDArchitecture(Ordered from easiest to hardest)
• Plain list of endpoints & methods that are used
â—¦ you can use collapsible blocks
• Draw a diagram (lucidchart)Useful if service has 3+ endpoints, has non-restful interface.Can highlight what endpoint calls what sub-service / db
• export postman collections
• Include input payload & response examples (if swagger is not used)
• Compose swagger.json manually
• Compose swagger.json on the fly based on code annotations
• Serve swagger.json via API based on live code & schemas
• Exposed public function reference (for libraries)
Class diagram3 COULDArchitecture• Use mermaid-js
Useful to show deeper waterfall or inheritance structure or highlight specific functionality
Sub-systems. How important custom code works (Caching, DB query builder, Localisation, Event processing, Logging, Email generation & delivery, Search, File handling, Encryption).Typically these are candidates for extraction to a separate library or a service
Sequence diagrams3 COULDArchitectureData flow diagram with time directed from top to bottom.Use mermaid-js.Useful logic is complex with multiple involved services, to show response/error code importance

Project architecture

In progress, structure is not clear yet

Multiple services are usually grouped by their role for the product. Project is a big feature group of web-app or a separate product / stand-alone portal


Diagrams are visually pleasing, but maintaining them is harder. They are also not as searchable, so keep them to minimum

You can use:

Or other SaaS service that is editable. Should not need explicit permission. Link is needed in each case. Should not need custom software

In each component/class/queue description put in a name that can be searchable through the code or in consul.

If you use lucidchart, try to include



lucidchart link

) to explain what certain shapes mean. Typically, prefer using UML 2.0 syntax


Wow, you reached this section. You must be an aspiring librarian wizard

Documentation role

Documentation is needed to answer most important question - Why (service is needed)?With technical documentation, question often transforms more into How (does it work)?


To answer How (service works), you can list functional requirements.

Architecture is expressed by constraints. To answer Why service was written the way it is, mention non-functional requirements.For the product its often: Performance, Reliability, Security, Usability, Configurability, Availability, ScalabilityFor development its often: Maintainability, Localisation, Compatibility, Reusability, Extensibility, Portability, Interoperability, Accessibility

See https://confluence.atlassian.com/doc/blog/2015/08/how-to-document-product-requirements-in-confluence

Language style

Documentation should be

Keeping documentation in sync

Documentation tends to get out of sync because developers don't use documentation, so they don't update it & rely on code as single source of truth.

Suggested approach is to