
How to setup Remote Desktop connection to Jetson Nano

Remote desktop with VNC

If you try to share your desktop from the Jetson Nano, the process fails; running Desktop Sharing fails with an error. This recipe shows you how to fix the issue, and connect remotely via VNCViewer. Having said that, we still prefer connecting via RDP (XRDP), which we find faster and more convenient.

To fix the issue, follow the steps below:

sudo nano /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gnome.Vino.gschema.xml

Add the missing key (any location will do):

<key name='enabled' type='b'>
   <summary>Enable remote access to the desktop</summary>
   If true, allows remote access to the desktop via the RFB
   protocol. Users on remote machines may then connect to the
   desktop using a VNC viewer.
sudo glib-compile-schemas /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas
gsettings set org.gnome.Vino require-encryption false
gsettings set org.gnome.Vino prompt-enabled false

Note: as we are crippling the security setup for remote connections via VNC, we have to be aware and enable the VNC feature (this whole section) only if needed.


Set default resolution to not be 640x480

sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf


Section "Screen"
	Identifier "Default Screen"
	Monitor "Configured Monitor"
	Device "Tegra0"
	SubSection "Display"
	Depth 24
	Virtual 1280 800 # Modify the resolution by editing these values


On Host machine

(Optional) Remote desktop with xrdp

This is useful for host machines running Windows

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