
Risk management

The purpose of this document is to list all possible fears that we see, evaluate them and decide on actionable ☑️Tasks to mitigate the risks

Risk list

RiskCauseProbability (%)Impact (%)ScoreResponse planFallbackEffect (Fallback cost EUR)
Database (mysql) crashes, customer data is lostDB is stored on app server801008000DB backup. We are using now centralized (managed) DB by Digital Ocean instead of a on-node mysql. This has backups built-in. Though it costs a bit more
@Robotic Beehive jams, customer bees are open to the weather, get hypothermia and die. Customer sues us.Electric power loss40803200
Google Play non-complianceWrong privacy policy0
Google Play non-complianceMissing functionality0
@Robotic Beehive is litting on fire30
@Robotic Beehive is squashing bees100
@Robotic Beehive is wastes customer’s electricity30
@Robotic Beehive jams and bees are open to the weather50
Death of founders0- Code is open source, the project will live on
Confidentiality breaches0- we do not have confidential information (yet) and try to be as transparent as possible accoring to 🔅Radiate truth
Database (mysql) data is stolen, GDPR breach, Estonian data protection agency (Andmekaitse) or EU regulators fine usUnforseen code vulnerability20801600- Notify all affected customers
- Hire CR12 / Hackerone to detect potential breaches in security
Solicitation (stealing team). Team mate convinces some team mates to start a competing business0- With ⚖️Legal & compliance we have brand protection
- Once we are an established company, employment contracts will prohibit solicitation
Team is arguing over minor things and never reaches selling the product150
@Robotic Beehive is not efficient and has duplicate/wasted components0
@Robotic Beehive jams customer’s hands. Causes loss of limbs. Customer sues us100