
Template Robotics Engineer position response (in Estonia)

If you’re reading this and thinking “what, a generic answer?”, then yes. We have dozen of people that need a proper answer and unfortunately we can’t do a very personalized approach on the first contact. We can do it later in the “pipeline”, after 95% readers ignore us. Its life

Thanks for applying to the Gratheon Robotics engineer volunteer position. I assume you aim to help bees and beekeepers have an easier life while working on cool tech like AI, IoT, robots and contributing to opensource community. You can read about our mission in Notion: https://gratheon.notion.site/Gratheon-fdac3638d55542ddb073ae90537cd5b5

To clarify, that this is not a paid position.

This is an infant startup, we don't have a formal team or investors backing us yet. We’ve had various hackathons and accelerators so far. The last one was http://prototron.ee/, where we got into top 25 out of 50 applicants.

The current status is - we have a web app that is open for anyone to register and try out at https://app.gratheon.com/.

Our code and internal docs are fully open source, and you’re encouraged to check them out on GitHub: https://github.com/Gratheon

As I understand you are located in Estonia, so you do have an advantage to collaborate physically on the prototype development. Though for that I would actually invite you to explore what you think is best that you can do for the project.

You can find a full list of ideas and features we have in the backlog:

Features related to robotics for example:

- Currently we’re working on a video processing of the beehive entrance video stream, its not yet clear how to best process it on the edge IoT device and send telemetry and how the design should look like. Current state is described here - https://gratheon.notion.site/Design-Prototype-8fc6ea808b95434da228c48b6d195f12

- This Beehive Gatehouse should have a sliding mechanism that would close entrance in case of hornet attack. Features are described here - https://gratheon.notion.site/Beehive-Gatehouse-b0319799ab7744dc928c08119de4fc43

- For a full beehive robot we also have only a rough vision described here

If you can help with designing that, that would help use greatly. We need competency with CAD, 3d modelling and wiring components together as well as programming it.

- To make things more even more challenging, Beehive Apiary should be more complex and robot should be able to serve multiple hives, so it should be designed to move and able to open/close hives to keep bee colonies safe.

Optionally, you can check out our past meeting recordings - https://gratheon.notion.site/All-hands-meeting-recordings-405d4ff10fc04cd4a57dc8ed9ef362a9?pvs=74

Are you up for the challenge? Join our discord and feel free to ask any feature you want to work on


We can have a google meet to sync up in person, I'm mostly available in first half of the day